FREE Printable High School Course and Credit Planning Sheet

 When it comes to homeschooling high school, many of us become consumed with fear. Will I be able to teach course work at that level? How will I know if I’m doing enough? What courses are required by my state? How many credits will my child need to graduate? What about preparing for college?

It can seem overwhelming.

When we began homeschooling years ago, we weren’t sure if we would continue through graduation. But somewhere along the line, our hearts began to embrace the idea of homeschooling high school. When our eldest was starting eighth grade, I began to plan in earnest.

First, I checked my state’s graduation requirements. Then I began to look online to see what classes fell into certain categories, like Social Studies, so I could be sure to count credits appropriately and not waste time on too many of one type of class.

Of course, I worried. But I shouldn’t have. Now that I’ve graduated my first child and am soon to graduate my second, I understand that homeschooling high school is not only doable, it’s entirely enjoyable. I have loved having my kids learn (mostly) at home. I have thoroughly enjoyed our more mature discussions on world events, history, literature, faith, and pop culture.

But completing four years of course work does require a little forethought and planning. Using our state’s requirements as a starting point, and looking at lots of other information online, I came up with a simple planning chart to use when planning out each child’s course work. Most states have similar requirements, but you should check your own state’s department of education website and make any necessary notes or adjustments.

I hope you find this helpful!

>>>High School Course and Credit Planning Sheet<<<