My 2016 Booklist

I read a lot of books this year.

Like, a lot, a lot. At the start of 2016, my local library branch started a Reading Challenge. If you read 52 books during the year, you could bring in your list and put it into a raffle for a prize. I pinned my blank list on the bulletin board for easy filling in, and away we went.

For me it wasn't hard to fill in those 52 slots. I love to read and this once upon a time, die-hard, must hold a physical book in my hands girl has completely converted to a Kindle-o-phile.E-books are just quicker to obtain, and my paperwhite is so much easier on my eyes than printed pages ever were.

Since I turned in my completed list, I have to hope that I dutifully posted my books on Goodreads, so that I can fill you in. I won't bother posting books of three stars or fewer, because three stars isn't worth a recommendation.

So, in no particular order, here are the ones I enjoyed the most. Fair warning, these are affiliate links to Amazon, so if you click and order, I get some small percentage of whatever you buy, but I never see what you order because that's private. Also, I have a broad range of interests, so you'll find that represented here.

Goodreads, 2016:

Non Fiction

The best book I read this year, hands down, was Falling Free by Shannan Martin. ***** Borrow it, buy it, get it now.

  1. Not My Father's Son (non fiction) Alan Cumming ****
  2. A Mother's Reckoning, Sue Klebold *****
  3. Columbine, Dave Cullen ****


    1. Extreme Prey John Sanford ****
    2. Her Husband's Secret Lianne Moriarty****
    3. The Passenger Lisa Lutz *****
    4. Summer Island, Kristin Hannah ****
    5. Mordacious, Sarah Lyons Flemming *****
    6. A Secret Kept, Tatiana de Rosnay ****
    7. The Girl In The Ice, Robert Bryndza ****
    8. Secrets She Kept, Cathy Golkhe ****
    9. The Baker's Daughter, Sarah McCoy ****
    10. The Forgotten Garden, Kate Morton ****
    11. In Bitter Chill, Sarah Ward ****
    12. After the War is Over, Jennifer Robson ****

    In case you're wondering, I have already finished a book or two this year, so here's a bonus:
    1. Find Her, Lisa Gardner **** (not for the faint of heart as it's about a disturbing crime and its aftermath) But it was riveting. 
    And no, I haven't heard if I won the library raffle yet. Fingers crossed.

    What are YOU reading these days?
