Modern Map Art

I am so excited to show you my latest tweak to the Duff House.

Do you recall my living room entertainment center?

Ok, confession. Apparently I haven't taken photos of my living room in exactly 3 years. Which is about when I recall selling that leather chair. Also, we now have carpet. And no coffee table. But the one thing that has been constant in our living room for the last three houses, or approximately however long Fiona has been alive, is that china cabinet turned TV stand. Which I found in the Pittsburgh East Pennysaver. For $10. Before that magical emergence known as Craigslist. 

When I bought it and hauled it home the Shabby Chic look was tres en vogue, so I dry brushed some white paint on it and called it a day. And it has housed our ever evolving array of televisions, vcrs, dvd players and video game paraphenalia ever since. 

$10 well spent, I tell ya.

But recently, we had one of our old, tube TVs die a slow, static-filled death. After Christmas, we started looking for television deals and found a good one. But the screen was too large for the old faithful stand to handle, so to Craigslist I went, in search of a less-Shabby-Chic-more-mid-century-modern unit for the new television to repose upon.

$25 and a car trip later, we had this setup.

With a big, blank wall begging to be filled. 

Also, that seems to be a really weird place for an electical outlet in a house that has far too few outlets where you would normally expect outlets to be. 

But I digress.

I tried hanging a few bibs and bobs from my stash, but nothing filled the space or looked quite right. 

And then, serendipity. 

Actually, I'm not entirely sure what 'serendipity' means, but it's a fun word, so let's roll with it, m'kay?

Jennifer from Modern Map Art emailed me asking if I would be willing to review one of her Pittsburgh map prints. 

Would I? 

Heck yes, I would.

As soon as the print arrived, I opened it and angels sang. 

First, because it's a map of my city.

Second, because it's pretty.

Third, because it's simple and unfussy and fills the space and I love it.

Of course, since I live in southwest PA, it was a grey and cloudy day when I snapped these photos. So please excuse the lighting. Or lack thereof.

Ok, so I realize that not all of you live in Pittsburgh, or even in the United States of America. Never fear, Modern Map Art  has lots of city maps to choose from, and even country maps, ski maps, and watercolor skylines.

Can't find your city? (I'm looking at you, Beaver Falls.) They even create custom orders. 

And just in case you don't need to fill as large a space as I did, these posters come in many sizes, starting at 8x10. 

If you can't find something you like, in a price you love, you're not doing it right.

As for me and my living room, we are completely thrilled with our rendering of Pittsburgh's spiderweb of streets and rivers.

So tell me, what map would you choose?


Legal Disclaimer: I was provided a free art sample to review for the purposes of this post. I was not paid in any way for my opinions, which are honest and completely mine.