Homeschooling: Curriculum Picks 2014-2015

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly summer rolls past. I barely unearth my cache of sunscreen, and suddenly July arrives, and I find myself ordering curriculum. This year will be a little different for us, as we've decided to enroll Noah and Fiona (10th and 9th grades) in a few online classes. We didn't want to do a full cyber option, as that would not leave room for our coop classes, which we are not willing to give up. After extensively searching and reading reviews, we decided to go with There they will each take a Math, Social studies, English, and Health class.  The only potential drawback is that there are no live teachers for them to consult, which could be a problem in Math. The other classes they will be taking are at our coop: Spanish 1, Forensic Science, Film Studies, Photography (Fiona) and The History of the American Superhero (Noah)

Silas and Judah will also be taking classes at coop. For Judah:  Earth Science, Speech and Presentation, Spy class, Survival and Lego Class. Sy: Earth Science, Introduction to Writing, Speech and Presentation, and probably Spy class and Survival class.

You all know how much I've enjoyed using My Father's World materials. But last year we finished with the final year of history, and I felt it was time for something fresh and new. A friend recommended Geography Matters, and after looking at it, I decided to try it.

This curriculum will include Geography, History, Social Studies, Art and Writing. Some of the materials are:

   Around the World in 180 Days SET Tchr & Wrkbk | Main photo (Cover)

For math, Sy and Judah will still be using Teaching Textbooks.

I was able to buy most of my materials at Rainbow Resource, because they have excellent prices and customer service. The rest I found on Amazon or Ebay.

Now, I just need to get it all organized and ready for our start date of August 25th. What curriculum are YOU using this year?