when my kids were much smaller
we used to do arts and crafts a lot
painting pictures
making paper crowns
cutting out shapes
crafting face masks
our floors were once glazed with glitter and glue
but as the kids got older
and our classes became more challenging and time consuming
art class
fell by the wayside
i would teach an art class
or art history course at our coop
but at home
our paints dried out from lack of use
this week
as i was doing the final honing and planning
of our school year
i decided to bring a little creative expression back into our house
in the form of
Art Class
i cleaned out our art box
stocked up on some new brushes
and pastels from Walmart
and pulled out my two main art books:

my hope is to do a mix of both books
choosing projects that we like from Geography Through Art
and alternating with studying
one artist a month
my approach
is to teach a little history pertaining to that artist
and his or her most famous works
and then having my kids create their own version
of one or two of the pieces
in addition to the books we have
i find as many free online resources
as possible
my favorite free resource site
(and not just for art)
is Garden Of Praise
where you can find printables
and lesson ideas for Art Appreciation
you'll find artist biographies
samples of paintings
coloring pages
and lots more goodies
for September
we'll be making maps for geography class
but we're also going to study Georgia O'Keefe
in addition to the material on Garden of Praise
i found this free lesson on O'Keefe
that we'll also use
i also want to
visit a couple of local art galleries and museums this year
i'll admit
that two of my kids
will have zero interest in doing art this year
and that's okay
i won't force it
art is really
supposed to be fun
so we'll keep our projects relaxed
without pushing to get through
as much as possible
my kids will be inspired to be more creative
and appreciative of art this year
if you'd like to see more Homeschooling ideas
you can follow my Homeschooling Board on Pinterest
and to see what our curriculum choices are
for the coming school year
click here
as i was doing the final honing and planning
of our school year
i decided to bring a little creative expression back into our house
in the form of
Art Class
i cleaned out our art box
stocked up on some new brushes
and pastels from Walmart
and pulled out my two main art books:
my hope is to do a mix of both books
choosing projects that we like from Geography Through Art
and alternating with studying
one artist a month
my approach
is to teach a little history pertaining to that artist
and his or her most famous works
and then having my kids create their own version
of one or two of the pieces
in addition to the books we have
i find as many free online resources
as possible
my favorite free resource site
(and not just for art)
is Garden Of Praise
where you can find printables
and lesson ideas for Art Appreciation
you'll find artist biographies
samples of paintings
coloring pages
and lots more goodies
for September
we'll be making maps for geography class
but we're also going to study Georgia O'Keefe
in addition to the material on Garden of Praise
i found this free lesson on O'Keefe
that we'll also use
i also want to
visit a couple of local art galleries and museums this year
i'll admit
that two of my kids
will have zero interest in doing art this year
and that's okay
i won't force it
art is really
supposed to be fun
so we'll keep our projects relaxed
without pushing to get through
as much as possible
my kids will be inspired to be more creative
and appreciative of art this year
if you'd like to see more Homeschooling ideas
you can follow my Homeschooling Board on Pinterest
and to see what our curriculum choices are
for the coming school year
click here