How To Make Fancy Foamed Milk The Not So Fancy Way

why is it

that coffee tastes better

when it's topped with an inch or two of foamed milk?

and I swear

for every inch of fancy foam

you get charged an extra $2

i figure

it must take a 4 year degree

to work those complicated coffee shop machines

so all those snobby baristas

must be paying off their student loans

one over priced cup at a time

though I thoroughly enjoy

sipping  a scalding, skinny mocha

from a green and white paper cup

i don't so much love

paying $5 bucks each time I do

so I determined

to figure out how to make

my own fancy, foamy coffees at home

Step One:

buy some good coffee that you like drinking

since getting a Keurig

i pretty much buy whatever's on sale

but I can tell you that whenever

this company offers free shipping

i grab a few bags of their biodegradable K cups

so basically

step one boils down to

pressing a button

are you still with me?

Step Two:

shake a jar


here's how I make my fancy, foamed milk:

i pour about a quarter cup

of 2% milk into a jar with a tight-fitting lid

then I shake the heck out of it for about 30 seconds

remove the lid

stick the jar in my microwave for another 30 or so seconds,

and voila!

Fancy Foamed milk

just like those overblown baristas make

as the milk heats in the microwave

it foams up higher and higher,

so make sure you have a jar that's at least 4 times

the height of the milk you pour in

and whatever milk you use

(cow, almond, soy)

just make sure it has some fat in it-skim milk does not really foam

it really is

just that easy

so what are you waiting for?

go get your shake on!