10 Things Every New Homeschool Mom Should Know

Number 1-Homeschooling is Harder and Easier Than You Think
it is harder
because your children are home all day during the week
and so are you

you probably won't get to go
to all those daytime bible studies
morning coffee dates
or that early pilates class you've been longing to try

but the good news is
you can still hit the evening bible studies
or Saturday brunch with friends
and probably make it to that evening Zumba class
everyone's been telling you about

it is harder
because you can't blame
anyone else
if your child can't read by the age of 12
or is a discipline problem

it is harder
like laundry and dirty dishes
homeschooling is an ongoing job
that you have to find the energy
to get up and do every single day


it is easier


you don't have to get up at the crack of dawn to pack lunches
get everyone dressed




and otherwise presentable

in time for that big yellow bus

it is easier because

your children won't have to rush home

eat a snack

go to practice

do homework

clean up

help with dinner

spend time with dad

go to bible study

practice piano

and hurry up and play

because your children

will accomplish most of those things

during the day

before everyone else

trudges wearily home from the bus stop

it is easier

when you realize

that so much learning happens

with a little one curled up in your lap

or by your side on the sofa

it is easier

because your kids don't feel pressured

to keep up 

with the latest overpriced or over-sexualized

fashion trends
and boy bands

it is easier 

when you don't have to ask your children

what they did all day

because you have the privilege 

of enjoying the day together

it is easier when you realize

that learning includes

cooking dinner together

reading books


memorizing scripture

doing laundry

watching documentaries

baking cookies

going to the zoo

washing dishes (with extra suds)

and a host of other

unexpectedly fun experiences

Number 2-You Will Waste Money

despite the best laid plans

you will waste an occasional buck or two

on curriculum you hate

or your child hates

or stuff that looked really awesomely cool

on that website

but in reality

just bores you to tears

chalk it up to experience

and know that this will happen less

with each year you get under your belt

Number 3-Find Support

you need it

find a community of homeschool moms

you can relate to

learn from

commiserate with

or if you live in the middle of nowhere

find just one other family

or if you're truly isolated

find one online

or read homeschooling blogs

and join homeschooling chat rooms

there are lots of wonderful options

to connect you to like-minded moms

Number 4-Library Fines Happen

sometimes often

budget for them

because you will occasionally
forget to renew (or return)
those history stories
early readers
books on cd

know what?it's money well spent

if you're lucky

your library will have a food drive

each year in December

and you will be able to bring in a donation of groceries

to cancel out that $28.00 library fine you've accumulated 

hypothetically speaking, of course

just remember:

those fines mean

you're enjoying lots of books

whilst simultaneously supporting your local library just a little tip:
buy a sturdy laundry basket
for library trips

trust me on this one

Number 5-Anticipate Rude Questions

from uninformed folks

i'm frequently astonished
at the personal questions some people ask
that range from  moderately irritating
to wildly inappropriate

is that legal?
of course not. but don't tell anyone.
actually, yes. in every state and in most of the industrialized world

are all these kids yours?
yes. i rarely look around for extra children to bring grocery shopping with me

do your kids have any friends?
do yours?
actually, yup. gobs.

do you and your kids just stay inside and read all day?
yes. except for soccer practice
basketball practice
baseball practice
art lessons
music lessons
youth group
field trips
the library
the science center
community service
and co-op.

are you going to keep homeschooling forever?
are you going to keep public schooling forever?

do you have a teaching degree?
nope. nor do i have a culinary arts degree
but i have managed to successfully cook for my family
for the past 17 years.

i bet your kids are really smart, huh?
nope. just average.

i bet your kids are really behind, huh?
behind what, exactly? a public school system that is owned and operated by our wonderfully efficient federal government and currently ranks well behind other nations? is that a trick question?

anticipate those questions
and many more

and decide ahead of time
what balance of grace and snark
you'll effect to answer them

Number 5-Read. A Lot
there are so many helpful books about homeschooling
out there

here's a partial list
of books i've found most helpful

Mary Pride's Complete Guide to Getting Started in Homeschooling

The Three R's

The Way They Learn

there are lots more
but that should get you started

Number 6-Avoid Comparing Yourself To Others

i've said this before

and i'll probably say it again

you are the best judge

of what 


and when

your children need to learn

there's a ton of awesome curriculum out there

but it won't all work for you and yours


Rome wasn't built in a day

and i'm pretty sure there must have been some setbacks

and schematic problems along the way

talk to others

get good ideas from others

but recognize that God gave your kids to you

to raise 


and love

if you ask Him

He will abundantly supply

every single ounce of inspiration


and ability for the task ahead

Number 7-Go Places

lots and lots of places

one of the best things about homeschooling

is that you get to go on field trips

whenever you want to

and because most other children are in school

those places usually aren't very busy

not sure where to go

museum and zoo memberships make 

great gift ideas for grandparents to send at Christmas

so be sure to drop plenty of strong hints

number 8-Join HSLDA

(Home School Legal Defense Association)

is a wonderful legal group

that is all about protecting and advancing homeschooling

through the US and the world

family memberships are around

$100 per year

and give you access to legal aid

helpful forms

and even curriculum discounts

you can also look up

the homeschool law by state

so you'll know what you need to do

to be in compliance

Number 9-Find a Local or State Conference To Attend

whether you are just starting out

or have been homeschooling for years

you should try your level best

to find some sort of conference

or curriculum fair to visit

these are places

where you will find encouragement

and help for the journey you are undertaking

i arrived at my first state convention

when i was feeling burnt out

and discouraged

i left

a mere two days later

feeling energized and excited

for continuing on this path of homeschooling

some topics that you will find at most conventions include

record keeping

legal questions


struggling learners

gifted learners



how to plan and teach during the high school years
homeschooling on a budget

and much more

most conventions are affordable

and within an easy driving distance

and are also a great way

to look at curriculum up close

and even talk to the vendors

and ask questions

well worth the time and money spent

Number 10-Pray




this one
should probably have been number 1

pray with your children each morning

pray for your children every day

pray with your husband 

pray with other moms

some books on the subject

of praying for your children are

Prayers for Homeschool Moms

in all your ways submit to him, 

and he will make your paths straight

Number 11-Enjoy This

i know i said
that this was a '10 Things' list

but consider this your free bonus

enjoy the limited time you have
to enjoy teaching your children at home

these moments are so special
and go by so very fast

it can be so easy to get caught up
in the stress of doing more
that we lose sight of how precious this gift of time
really is


