a couple of weeks ago
Judah turned 8
i can't believe
my baby
is a baby no longer
sniff sniff
for this momentous occasion
my little man chose to host
a Lego themed party
i may
or may not
have influenced him just a tiny bit
when i found these awesome candles
i can't believe
my baby
is a baby no longer
sniff sniff
for this momentous occasion
my little man chose to host
a Lego themed party
i may
or may not
have influenced him just a tiny bit
when i found these awesome candles
how ca-yute are they?
of course
my enthusiasm dimmed a little
when i realized i would have to concoct
some kind of Lego cake
but Pinterest came up trumps
and gave me lots of gooey ideas
and while i'm no confectioner
i settled on one i thought i could make
i started with a simple
chocolate sheet cake
cut into basic brick shapes
stuck together with canned icing
and topped with large marshmallows
then more icing
food colored to death
i did a crumb coat
and stuck it in the freezer for about
a half hour to harden
then frosted
to the best of my limited ability
once i had the cake
out of the way
the decorating could commence
let me just say
i knew that no 8 year old kid
would don one of those party hats
without a fight
but don't they look pretty
set out on the table?
and you mums know
that my decked out room
looked like this
for about eleven seconds
once the guests arrived
the candle blowing
cake eating
present opening
party games
were pretty much a success
and this little man
marked his special day
with lots of sweet memories
mission accomplished