My Clear Skin Secret

let me begin by saying
that this entry is not
a paid review
or sponsored post

i simply want to let you in
on a great little product
that is wonderful (really really wonderful)
for clearing up acne

but first
a little background is necessary

growing up
i had great skin
(not the beginning you were expecting, eh?)

rarely a break-out
except the occasional monthly spot
on the tip of my nose

but when i hit the ripe old age of 22
my skin turned on me

i began noticing pimples
(don't you loathe that word?)
mostly appearing on my chin
in all their gruesome glory

like any normal person
i headed to the nearest pharmacy
to pluck the typical Oxy-titled tubes and pots
from the plethora of product available

but here's the problem

i have dry skin
and every one of the acne jams and jellies i tried
just made my skin more dry and irritated
without fixing the pimple problem

so i got really good
at using those concealer sticks

years passed
and as i blossomed in and out of
four pregnancies

my acne would clear for months at a time
only to return with a vengeance

all of which
made me realize
that my break-outs were hormonally triggered

i also read
that if pimples occur on the lower half of a woman's face
they are nearly always caused by hormone fluctuations

and my acne was also very painful
with the actual red bumps
sticking around for a couple weeks

and new pimples erupting (another awesomely icky word)
every few days

plus red marks lasting for about two months

all of which meant
that my skin always looked


finally in tears one evening

i plopped down in front of my computer
and typed in 'cystic acne'

the very first article that came up
was titled
The Top 10 Acne Products You've Never Heard Of

which sounded promising
so i clicked

and product numero uno
was this

the article stated
that Dermamed's acne gel
was all natural

and best of all
perfectly suited to those of us with dry skin

here's the product blurb:

DermaMed Acne Gel contains pure extracts of naturally astringent and cooling herbs that soothe the skin surface and penetrate it with healing nutrients. Provides anti-bacterial activity against Propioni-Bacterium acnes and other causative organisms of acne, and helps normalize sebum secretion to avoid follicular plugging, an aggravating factor of acne. Modulates the inflammatory response to reduce redness, swelling and scarring. Formulated in a unique, transdermal delivery system that provides optimal absorption of nutrients, DermaMed Acne Gel quickly penetrates into the deeper layers of the dermis where its healing and regenerative action takes place.

dijya get all that?

and now the ingredients:
Water, Aloe Vera Gel, Viola Tricolour Extract, Tea Tree Essential Oil, Rose Hip Oil, Vitamins A and E, Grapefruit Seed Extract  

finding that i could buy a small tube

for under $15
i clicked and paid lickety split

one week later
on a sunny afternoon
a little brown package 'o magic
dropped into my mailbox

i tore into it
ripped off all the safety seals
and angels started singing

okay okay

i ripped off all the safety seals
squeezed out a dab
and smeared it on my face
right over all the makeup and concealer

and then
for good measure
smeared on a bit more

and repeated the above
about 5 more times that first day
and every day

during that first week
i got no new pimples
(a small miracle)

and had no drying or other side effects

two weeks later
my skin was starting to look a little better

one month later
i actually looked into the mirror and saw

clear skin

now you can cue those angels

and i'm not exaggerating even a little bit here
because this stuff is that good

7 years have passed
since that precious little package
arrived in the post

and i still use the gel
every day
morning and night
after using this gentle exfoliating cleanser
Clean & Clear Oil-Free Daily Pore Cleanser - 5.5 oz

and just before i slather on this moisturizer
Pond's Dry Skin Cream

and i still have clear skin

each tube of Dermamed gel
lasts me about 3 or 4 months

so really
my whole skin care regime
is quite affordable

my 13 year old son
now uses the gel as well
and it cleared up his mild adolescent acne
in just a couple of weeks

so that's my story
and i'm sticking to it

if you want to try some Dermamed yourself
you can click here

and once again
all of this
is merely my own humble opinion
and not related to
or paid for by Dermamed

i'm pretty certain
doesn't even know i exist

the end.