i never make new year's resolutions
not sure why
my underachieving personality
might be to blame
(why set goals i know i'll never make?)
but this year i am moving the bar a little higher
my list?
to spend more consistent and meaningful time with my Savior
every day
why is this so hard when i love Him so much?
i manage to 'find' ample time to blog, read, putter
but i must carve out intentional time with the One who should so easily come first
but i must carve out intentional time with the One who should so easily come first
return to daily, intentional prayer for my husband and children
the best periods in our life together have been the times
when i am figuratively and literally on my knees
interceding on behalf of my family
i'm going through The Power of a Praying Parent again
when i am figuratively and literally on my knees
interceding on behalf of my family
i'm going through The Power of a Praying Parent again
and you may be hearing more about that
to bring more joy and excitement to our home school
we seem to have spent a lot of time just going through
the motions with our learning and that is just
see those fake smiles?
maybe it's unrealistic
but i'd like to see more spontaneous grinning
and hear fewer groans
return to healthier eating and exercising
after working so hard to lose those 45 lbs.
i'm not
gaining them all back
pulled out my old food journal to start writing down
i'm not
gaining them all back
pulled out my old food journal to start writing down
all those calories again...tedious but it totally works for me
still looking for an inexpensive workout machine
still looking for an inexpensive workout machine
invest in others more
practice hospitality
open our home
open our home
get together with friends more often
we haven't been doing this at all lately
not sure why
but we need to work on investing in others
including my parents
i love them
and it's time to start acting like it
be softer
i have difficulty being vulnerable with people
i don't like to ask for help
i need to work on finding moments to cuddle my kids
while they'll still let me
it's so easy for me to go through the day focusing on school work
and the time will have passed with no children in my lap
no snuggling at bedtime
no reading yummy stories while smooshed on the sofa
for me
loving physical contact is way more important than
spelling words
meal plans
science projects
but you wouldn't know it
until now
right this moment
when i will move away from the computer
and hug a random child on the way upstairs to get showered and dressed
what's your top resolution for 2011?