A Christmas House

like my children,
i can never wait

until after thanksgiving

to start decking our halls

don't know why

but i'm just always

so ready for

all things red




i wanted to put up some

before and after 

decorating photos
of the duff house
in all it's christmas glory

here's some of the raw material

and here's a bit of what i did with it all

you can see the reflection of our autograph wall

another peek of the autograph wall

i buy candy canes by the boatload every year

hubs brought me this lovely poinsettia on saturday

this last photo

is of a 'noel' set that belonged to the hubs' grandmother

they are so old and delicate


how decked

are your halls?

linking up to:


The Lettered Cottage

Very Merry Holiday Home Vintage Christmas Party