Every May, Chad's brother visits us from Colorado. We all look forward to these visits for various reasons. Chad loves seeing his big brother, and is also glad to have some expertise to help with car and house repairs. I love having him because he is a great house guest, loves to play with my kiddos and is a fun and easy person to hang out with. The kids love Uncle Dan's visits because he is endlessly patient with them, answers all sorts of questions, takes them creeking, fishing, to the park and usually out to eat once or twice. Best of all...he brings fun experiments to try out.
Last summer he found plans online to build a bottle rocket. We still take that thing to every picnic we go to...by request.
This year was no exception. He brought some info on experiments for the he and the kids to do that he'd found online. And he brought them each a pair of safety goggles. Too cool.
Now he says he has to come up with experiments to bring on his visits, or he'll disappoint the kids. As much as they love to do these projects, I'm pretty sure the part the love most is doing them with Uncle Dan.
Want to make some fun foam yourself? Go here to find out what you need to do this experiment. And have fun!

This year was no exception. He brought some info on experiments for the he and the kids to do that he'd found online. And he brought them each a pair of safety goggles. Too cool.
Here's them making "elephant's toothpaste."
And here's them playing with "elephant's toothpaste."
Now he says he has to come up with experiments to bring on his visits, or he'll disappoint the kids. As much as they love to do these projects, I'm pretty sure the part the love most is doing them with Uncle Dan.
Want to make some fun foam yourself? Go here to find out what you need to do this experiment. And have fun!