I have a confession to make....

....I've been doing a little dumpster diving.

Well, not technically dumpsters....just my neighbor's trash.

You see, it's neighborhood cleanup time.

Neighborhood cleanup time!

That means that folks are cleaning out their attics



And setting out on the curb.

Can you blame a girl for looking?

The other day Mrs. Neighbor-across-the street put out some plastic lawn chairs 

Pretty ugly and worn.

But nothing a can of black spray paint can't fix.

So I walked over and asked her if I could take 'em.

She said yes

So I carried them home.

Later in the day I glimpsed a little something in a box.

I got a little excited

I couldn't help it.

But I was too embarrassed to go over and take a closer look.

I waited for nightfall

and went out for a walk.

As darkness fell, I passed their driveway

and quick as a wink

snatched up my little treasure.

A small ceramic garden boy/angel thingy.


He looks so perfect sitting on the side table in my dining room.

I just hope Mrs. Neighbor-across-the-street wasn't peeking out her window.

She might think I'm a little strange.