The Duff House....My Dining Room Makeover

i had to clean my house yesterday for company 

so I thought it would be a great time to take some photos 

of what work we've done in some more of our downstairs rooms

here's the before picture with navy walls 

and dated wallpaper

the chandelier that we got on Ebay 

is already installed (after 4 or 5 attempts)

now for the light and bright

and painted room

the table was another Ebay purchase 

the chairs came from the church 

where my dad and grandfather were pastors 

and where my parents were married.

my china cupboard was thrifted years ago 

and the curtains are from a local junk shop 

it's the kind of shop that is cram-jammed with stuff 

and the guys who work there 

know exactly where everything is.\

love it

the opposite side of the room

the desk was my husband's grandma's

this is one of my favorite things in the whole house

we call it our autograph wall 

and i got the idea from a wedding we attended last summer 

where they had everyone sign a picture of the new couple

i'd been raking my mind 

for wall art ideas 

when this one came to me 

i love the graphic quality of it 

as well as the happy feeling 

when i see the signatures 

of those we love

makes a fun conversation piece too

this is the mantel

which changes frequently of course

the following are all pieces bought at junk shops 

for a few dollars each

it's not finished yet

but then

no room in my home ever seems 'finished'

half the fun of a house 

is changing it