Many of you know that our family belongs to a homeschool co-op. This is a group of moms and kids that meets every Monday throughout the school year and we moms take turns teaching different subjects and electives. This year we started a Kids Kouncil for the older elementary students. These kids meet regularly and plan service projects and activities for the group to participate in. Their first event was this past Monday when we all celebrated Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day. The whole day was filled with one fun activity after the other. And the best part was that the kids did everything except prepare the food. They did a wonderful job.
The morning was spent in China where the kids heard stories about Chinese Christians and missionaries to China, made decorations, learned some Chinese words, and culminated in (of course) a full Chinese meal. Yum.
In the afternoon we had fun exchanging valentines and watching the little ones do a treasure hunt that was completely planned, clues and all, by the Kids Kouncil.
One of the crafts the kids made was a Chinese Dragon. Here they are:

The morning was spent in China where the kids heard stories about Chinese Christians and missionaries to China, made decorations, learned some Chinese words, and culminated in (of course) a full Chinese meal. Yum.
In the afternoon we had fun exchanging valentines and watching the little ones do a treasure hunt that was completely planned, clues and all, by the Kids Kouncil.
One of the crafts the kids made was a Chinese Dragon. Here they are: